Elementary     School

The ISK elementary school program provides a wide range of learning activities in all subject areas. Key components of our elementary educational program.


A strong English language environment


Qualified and professional faculty who are committed to nurturing and inspiring - all students to their fullest potential


A constructive learning environment, using International Primary Curriculum (IPC) where curiosity and creativity is encouraged.


Foundations for Future Success: A Comprehensive
Elementary School Curriculum

Our Elementary School Program includes instruction in the following subjects

Develops language proficiency through reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities, nurturing communication skills essential for academic success and everyday life.

Equips students with essential mathematical concepts, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities, laying a solid foundation for advanced mathematical learning.

Inspires curiosity and fosters inquiry-based learning through exploration of natural phenomena, promoting scientific literacy and understanding of the world.

Promotes physical fitness, motor skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship, emphasizing the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Provides students with knowledge of Islamic principles or civic values, fostering moral and ethical development, as well as a sense of community responsibility.

Cultivates creativity, self-expression, and confidence through activities such as music, drama, and dance, fostering appreciation for the arts and developing performance skills.

Encourages artistic expression, imagination, and creativity through various mediums such as drawing, painting, and sculpture, nurturing aesthetic appreciation and visual literacy.

Enhances proficiency in the national language through vocabulary building, grammar, reading, writing, and oral communication, facilitating effective communication in both formal and informal contexts.

Offers the opportunity to study an additional language, fostering intercultural understanding, language acquisition skills, and global competence.


Our Faculty Programs

Personal Goals

Personal goals underpin the individual qualities and dispositions we believe students will find essential in the 21st century. There are 8 IPC Personal Goals – enquiry, resilience, morality, communication, thoughtfulness, cooperation, respect and adaptability. Opportunities to experience and practice these are built into the learning tasks within each unit of work.

International Learning Goals

International learning goals are unique to our curriculum and help young students begin the move towards an increasingly sophisticated national, international and intercultural perspective. Each thematic IPC unit includes an international aspect, to help develop a sense of ‘international mindedness’

Subject Goals

Subject goals cover the knowledge, skills and understanding of students relating to the subjects they are learning. There are subject learning goals for Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, ICT & Computing, Technology, History, Geography, Music, Physical Education, Art and Society.

Digital Literacy Goal

The Digital Literacy Goal emphasizes the importance of developing proficiency in navigating digital tools, platforms, and resources effectively and responsibly. This goal aims to equip students with the necessary skills to critically evaluate information, solve problems using technology, and engage in safe and ethical online practices. Through integrated learning experiences, students will learn to leverage digital technologies to enhance their learning, communication, and productivity in an increasingly digital world.


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