(Grade 9 - Grade 12)

ISK provides a challenging academic program that will provide students the skills and tools necessary to achieve future success in universities around the world. We strive to provide our students with an education that will encourage them to become not only independent and responsible adults, but also life-long learners. Students are also immersed in a rich program of arts and athletics designed to provide students with a well-rounded high school experience. The high school program requires students to earn a minimum of 23 credit hours before graduating.


(High School Curriculum)

The core courses of the high school curriculum include English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies. Students may choose from a variety of elective courses to suit their needs. Our High School Program includes instruction in the following core courses and electives:


Our Faculty Programs

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Personal Goals

Personal goals underpin the individual qualities and dispositions we believe students will find essential in the 21st century. There are 8 IPC Personal Goals – enquiry, resilience, morality, communication, thoughtfulness, cooperation, respect and adaptability. Opportunities to experience and practice these are built into the learning tasks within each unit of work.

International Learning Goals

International learning goals are unique to our curriculum and help young students begin the move towards an increasingly sophisticated national, international and intercultural perspective. Each thematic IPC unit includes an international aspect, to help develop a sense of ‘international mindedness’

Subject Goals

Subject goals cover the knowledge, skills and understanding of students relating to the subjects they are learning. There are subject learning goals for Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, ICT & Computing, Technology, History, Geography, Music, Physical Education, Art and Society.

Digital Literacy Goal

The Digital Literacy Goal emphasizes the importance of developing proficiency in navigating digital tools, platforms, and resources effectively and responsibly. This goal aims to equip students with the necessary skills to critically evaluate information, solve problems using technology, and engage in safe and ethical online practices. Through integrated learning experiences, students will learn to leverage digital technologies to enhance their learning, communication, and productivity in an increasingly digital world.


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